Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Virtual World

Ok, so if your fed up with your life at the momend and you want to be someone else.. then why don't you go on something which is growing rapidly... Virtual World's. Such as Second life... You can be whoever you want to be, and do whatever you say, which is fantastic, although to keep this a business, in the real world.. there are too many pop-ups to not be annoyed!!! It is used for pleasure, and connecting to people around the world.. with play custimation, world building, and site seeing, the system and ideas into the game are pritty convincingly fun!! However the ultimate question is... how sad are you? If very it is for you.
For a fairly decent review... http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,4149,1306196,00.asp which also includes information on other multiplayer virtual worlds, for example The Sims online.

1 comment:

alice said...

dan wade u are my life this blog is awesome
it inspires me