Tuesday, 20 March 2007

Violent Video Games

Ok... so I play violent games.. all the time.. and I have killed 3 people. Im just joking of course.. Games dont make you want to kill. Ok you here on the news every year or so.. someone killed someone else because of a game. Clearly there just mad men, of course if any one killed anyone there nut cases. Why play violent games? They push games to the edge, you get to do things you wouldnt usually do.. if a game was about putting the kettle on it wouldnt be that fun. Plus!! Not to mention that playing on violent games gets out your anger, and makes you stop taking life so seriously.
SO!! if I kill somone, or go crazy or whatever, arrest me and say there you go.. but im not a nut case. I just enjoy a bit of fake blood spread!!
We watch violent films, so why not play violent games?

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