Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Wireless Internet health scare

A collection of places, beleive that wireless internet is a threat however science has proved them wrong. For example students at Canada's Lakehead University have to be careful how they connect to the internet because wi-fi is banned on large parts of the campus. They beleive it can harm people, and it sounds very similar to the phones give you cancer scare, or that microwaves are dangerous and may harm you. Seeing as these are not the case, and scientifically proven to be a load of rubbish, people decided to test, wireless networking is not going to effect you. According to this website, scientist explain that wireless waves a far smaller than even a microwave, and defiantly a phone. They agree that high radiation, and strong waves harm humans, but there will never be enough waves in the air from wireless networking to harm anyone.
The problem is the media is trying to back up these points, however if this was the case.. then they would surely shut down all wireless tele? All phones? and Radio? They just want a story... Verdict? Scientifically no. Not a chance it could harm you.

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