Wednesday, 25 April 2007


Blogging is basically, an online journal. Some people often blog once every few days, and a large amount do blog's everyday. People blog for many reasons.. such as...

- Online Diary
- Expressing feelings and veiws
- Promoting their interests
- Giving other people information.. or even help. Such as computer guidence, or how to beat a game walkthrough

Pritty much everything. Not many people blog to get famous, but some people do end up making money out of it, and sometimes getting their blogs published into a book.

Tuesday, 24 April 2007

Robot Resistance!
People are getting very nervous because of how advanced robots are getting... From human bots that talk, to snake-bots that can swim underwater, people are beginning to worry. There are two main reasons, the first one is that Robots are soon going to be involved in the army, ideas of army robots are quite frightening, they could go wrong? Do things to harm there own side? Or course, all technology goes wrong at the testing stages, but surely the army will not even consider robots that havn't been tested. The second, as Professor Noel Sharkey says, one the website above... "I can imagine a future where it is much cheaper to dump old people in big hospitals where machines care for them"... this is worrying... that people wont get human care, and they wont be treated with full repect. Good point.. but Robots are part of the future, and personally, i find it very exciting.

Wireless Internet health scare
A collection of places, beleive that wireless internet is a threat however science has proved them wrong. For example students at Canada's Lakehead University have to be careful how they connect to the internet because wi-fi is banned on large parts of the campus. They beleive it can harm people, and it sounds very similar to the phones give you cancer scare, or that microwaves are dangerous and may harm you. Seeing as these are not the case, and scientifically proven to be a load of rubbish, people decided to test, wireless networking is not going to effect you. According to this website, scientist explain that wireless waves a far smaller than even a microwave, and defiantly a phone. They agree that high radiation, and strong waves harm humans, but there will never be enough waves in the air from wireless networking to harm anyone.
The problem is the media is trying to back up these points, however if this was the case.. then they would surely shut down all wireless tele? All phones? and Radio? They just want a story... Verdict? Scientifically no. Not a chance it could harm you.

Wednesday, 11 April 2007

Vista being a let down

They say it every year, of this years update will be fine, its great, theres always floors. This time such as cursors going missing, and computers freezing constantly.
Plus that report explains of all the different ways hackers are getting into the systems. The good news is that the next update fixes all these problems, which is good, aslong as your p.c or laptop isnt already messed up.

Game increase!! Nintendo!!

Nintendo are apprently fed up of being underdogs, they have decided to branch out on involving more games with there stations, getting better ideas, and gaining new character for popular game series like super mario. I say good for them, but little too late, they have a lot of catching up to do. Also they are going to give out a broader age range, which is good, seeing as they go for under 18s, and the older generation need games too!!

China mad on games... solution? Ban!!

The chinease government is going to clamp down on all the time people play on games, because apprently 13% of children in china, under 18 are addicted to games. So.. they will do it this way, ban them if they get certain amount of points. Thats right were not talking console games, were talking little internet games. A holla to all in china.. GET A LIFE!! buy and xbox 360.. hee hee.

Improved computer graphics

Apperntly due to the next generation blue-ray, computer games are going to be much more realistic. And one person even there is going to be photorealistic people running around on computer games, jsut give us "two more years"... exciting time!! I love game already, and graphics makes them for me so thats a big posative point. To show how good blue rays are the text reads that Film studio Pixar uses ray-tracing to produce the images for its cartoons and Peter Jackson used the technique in the Lord of the Rings to make special effects look convincing... plus they say and I quote "Cinematic expirence."... brilliant stuff.

Mobile phones... P.C. Mix and match!!

What a great idea!! A p.c mobile, this technology is up and running already, and i have got to say its pritty incredible... with the basic computer options on it, such as running programs, and writing flaming essays on em, you can also text or ring your mates. Good, but the downers are obviously the batteries are made smaller than a laptop and quite honestly, laptop computers batteries are that longlives, so im worried about that, plus the price (which is not put on the website) will be pritty high. Fair enough, for the average rich businessman it will be a worthwile purchase, but honestly, I think i'll stick with cheaper more efficiant phones untill they go down in price, and last longer.